Frequency independent antennas are generally used for shortwave radio communications, Telemetry and radio
astronomy. Multi-band antennas are used where multiple antennas of different bands are needed. These antennas are used in
WLAN as well as wireless applications. The design tool which is used here is MilkSilk-SOF. It is an eletromagnetic design and
simulation tool which is based on Method Of Moments(MOM), MOM is one of the most validated methods for antenna
simulation. MilkSilk-SOF uses an improved and advanced form of this method in order to overcome the drawbacks of traditional
MOM. According to Method Of Moments, any metallic structure can be modeled using conductive wires and these wires must be
divided into small pieces called segments. In this paper, we talk about two types of antennas among which one is wired and the
other one is planar. Yagi Uda antenna comes under the former category and dual band microstrip antenna comes under the latter.
Both the antennas are multiband antennas. Yagi uda antenna is a high gain antenna and can be operated at HF, UHF and VHF